Our Judging Panel.

John Chapman. APSEM/s - GMPSA/b -EFIAP/d1 - ARPS. Victoria. Australia.

Annette Hollitt. AAPS. South Australia.

Kerrick James. Az. USA. (* see Bio below)

Pia Jessen. EFIAP/p - APSEM - Hon FAPS. Qld. Australia.

Julie Kermode. South Australia.

David Rowlands. EFIAP - FAPS - PPSA. South Australia.


 *Kerrick James has photographed the American West, Pacific Rim and Europe for over 25 years as a travel journalist, with more than 200 magazine and book covers and hundreds of features illustrated. His credits include Natl. Geo. Adventure, Arizona Highways, Sunset, Conde Nast Traveler UK, Alaska Airlines Beyond, VIA, EnCompass, Outdoor Photographer, ExperienceScottsdale, Arizona Office of Tourism and many more.


In the past decade Kerrick has taught 75+ photo workshops in a wide variety of locations in Arizona, Alaska, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Hawaii, California, Baja California, Costa Rica, Panama and Zambia. He’s taught for Arizona Highways PhotoScapes, on cruise ship-based trips sponsored by Pentax, and now, his own company, KJ Photo Safaris www.kjphotosafaris.com


Kerrick has used Pentax cameras and optics his entire career and is a Pentax Brand Ambassador at trade shows and in numerous ads and videos. Kerrick also writes features for travel media, samples on request.


Kerrick is an active member of SATW (Society of American Travel Writers) and was the 2020 SATW Photographer of the Year. TEOE (Through Each Other’s Eyes). He resides in Arizona with his sons Shane, Royce and Keanu.


To view images, go to www.kerrickjames.com or www.agpix.com/kerrickjames


Artists Statement.

I've spent my life photographing the wild lands of the American West and Pacific Rim and the people who live here. It's been the realization of a dream to make a living showing people exploring and enjoying their environment, and to share their dreams through the looking glass that is photography. 










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